
Version 0.0.0


Check out the Spotify API docs here for more information.

Set up

You will need your Spotify login details (username and password) to use the connector.

Before you use the connector, please also send us the email and name associated with the Spotify account you will be using for authenticating, so we can allow access (otherwise you may encounter 403 Errors on reports).


IncrementalNot supported
API reliability🟢Reliable API

Reports detail

⬇️ Report🔑 Incremental key🔑 Primary key📄 Link to API endpoint
Account InfoN/AIDGet Current User's Profile
Artists Catalog InformationN/AIDGet Artist
Artists AlbumsN/AIDGet Artist's Albums
Artists Top TracksN/AIDGet Artist's Top Tracks
Artist Related ArtistsN/AIDGet Artist's Related Artists
Tracks Catalog InformationN/AIDGet Track
User's Saved TracksN/AIDGet User's Saved Tracks
Tracks Audio FeaturesN/AIDGet Track's Audio Features
Tracks Audio AnalysisN/ATRACK_IDGet Track's Audio Analysis


Providing ID-s for reports

Some reports require you to input specific IDs (e.g. artist IDs).

Please ensure you provide these as comma-separated values (with no spaces in between individual IDs).

For example, inputting19SmlbABtI4bXz864MLqOS,4OGlp2UdUQGPJVbvJ82Cz5 when setting up an "Artists Catalog Information" report will ensure you receive data for the two artists with the above individual IDs.