AppsFlyer (beta)

Version 0.0.2


See details on the AppsFlyer API here for more support.

Set up



If you are using the non-beta version of the connector this authentication method will be deprecated by Appsflyer on April 30th and you will need to migrate to the new connector before then.

To get set up you need to get your App ID which can be obtained from the available apps section of your homepage. This token includes the "id" at the start.

You will also need your API token v2.0. You can generate this by going to Integration > API access.


Backfill5 years: Partners and Partners Daily, 60 days: Install and Uninstalls, 30s: day In-App events.
IncrementalSupported on all reports except for Partners.
API reliability🟢Reliable

Reports detail

Head to Integration > API access whilst logged into your app to see more info on each report.

⬇️ Report🔑 Incremental key🔑 Primary key📄 Link to API endpoint
PartnersN/AIDGet Partners
Partners DailyDATEIDGet Partners Daily
InstallsEVENT_TIMEIDGet Installs
Uninstall EventsEVENT_TIMEIDGet Uninstall Events
In-app EventsEVENT_TIMEIDGet In-app Events
Organic InstallsEVENT_TIMEIDGet Organic Installs
Organic In-app EventsEVENT_TIMEIDGet Organic In-app Events