MySQL Exporter
Version 0.0.1
- Supports MySQL version 8.0.0 and higher
Set up
You will need to whitelist the following IPs:
The following credentials are required to get set up with our MySQL connector.
- Hostname - By default the value is localhost. It can be found in Hosting -> Manage -> MySQL database
- Port - By default the value is
. It can be found by executing the following command in an IDE connected to the MySQL database: show variables wherevariable_name = 'port';
- Database User - This can be checked by executing the following command in an IDE connected to the MySQL database:
- Database Password - If you do not know the relevant Database Password it can be checked by following these steps.
You will also need to enter the database name that you would like to connect to.
In the extra parameters field, please enter:
Bastion Tunneling (optional)
If you would like to connect via a bastion, you will need to tick the "Requires tunneling" checkbox and enter your Bastion Host credentials.
To see how to set up your bastion tunneling credentials, check out our documentation here.
Export Configuration
The only report currently available is Full Table
. Full table truncates the Destination Table in the database if the database exists otherwise it creates a new table with the given name. It then loads all the data in the source table into the destination table.
Destination Table
This is the table within your database the data will be loaded into. It must be entered accurately as free text using the following format <db_name>.<table_name>
Source Table
This is the table or view within the warehouse you wish to export into the database. The Database and Schema can be chosen from the relevant dropdowns. The table name must be entered accurately as free text (it is not case sensitive).
Choosing Columns
You are not able to select specific tables from the source table to export. All columns from the source table will be ingested into the destination table within the database. If only specific columns are required please create a view or transform with only the columns you need.
Updated over 1 year ago