Big Commerce

Version 0.0.2


Check out the API docs here for more information.

Set up

  • To set up a source you need to enter your Store Hash and Access Token
  • Your Store Hash can be found in your URL when logged in to your Big Commerce store between store- and .mybigcommerce e.g. if your URL is then abc123 is the store hash
  • To generate an Access Token you need to create an API account in your Big Commerce store
  • The account type should be set to V2/V3 API token
  • Read-only permissions are sufficient for the oAuth scope to access the data from any report


BackfillAt least 1 years on all reports
IncrementalOnly supported on the Carts, Orders, Orders Transactions, Orders Products and Product Metafields reports
API reliability🟢Reliable

Reports detail

⬇️ Report🔑 Incremental key🔑 Primary key📄 Link to API endpoint
BrandsN/AIDGet Brands
Brand MetafieldsN/AIDGet Brand Metafields
Bulk Pricing RulesN/AIDGet Bulk Pricing Rules
ChannelsN/AIDGet Channels
Channel ListingsN/AIDGet Channel Listings
CustomersN/AIDGet Customers
Customer AttributesN/AIDGet Customer Attributes
Customer Attribute ValuesN/AIDGet Customer Attribute Values
Orders TransactionsORDER_DATE_MODIFIEDIDGet Transactions
Orders ProductsORDER_DATE_MODIFIEDIDList Order Products
ProductsN/AIDGet Products
Product CategoriesN/AIDGet Product Categories
Product Category MetafieldsN/AIDGet Product Category Metafields
Product MetafieldsDATE_MODIFIEDIDGet Product Metafields
Product ReviewsN/AIDGet Product Reviews
Product VaraintsN/AIDGet Product Varaints
InventoryN/AN/AGet Inventory at Locations