Sugar CRM



Check out the Sugar CRM API for more information.

Set up

Before you can begin using the connector make sure you have the following information available. Find more information here.

  • Domain: If your Sugar CRM application URL is, the domain field would, which excludes the "https://" portion.
  • Username : These are your Sugar CRM application login username
  • Password : These are your Sugar CRM application login password.
  • Client ID : These are your Sugar CRM API application login Client ID.
  • Client Secret : These are your Sugar CRM API application login Client Secret.
  • Platform Identifier: This currently defaults to api_kleene. To prevent login conflicts with the 'base', it must be added via the Configure API Platform page by an Admin . For more information, see here.


Backfill2 years on all reports.
IncrementalIncremental Supported on all reports.
API reliability🟡You may experience occasional 401 Authentication errors if multiple extracts are run simultaneously using the same credentials.

Reports detail

⬇️ Report🔑 Incremental key🔑 Primary key📄 Link to API endpoint
AccountsDATE_MODIFIEDIDGet Accounts
ContactsDATE_MODIFIEDIDGet Contacts
ContractsDATE_MODIFIEDIDGet Contracts
OpportunitiesDATE_MODIFIEDIDGet Opportunities
ProductsDATE_MODIFIEDIDGet Products
ProspectsDATE_MODIFIEDIDGet Prospects
TimePeriodsDATE_MODIFIEDIDGet TimePeriods
RevenueLineItemsDATE_MODIFIEDIDGet RevenueLineItems
MeetingsDATE_MODIFIEDIDGet Meetings

Database Documentation

Documentation on the Sugar CRM Database can be found through the link below and contains information on the tables, columns and connections between resources:

NB that this DB Documentation was created in March 22 so there may have been some change since then. It also defines the general case, any custom columns added won't be recorded in here but may be prepended with the initials of your instance, e.g. if Kleene created custom columns those would appear something like kl_created_date.



401 Error (re-run report individually)

It is recommended to run/schedule only one extract at a time without overlap. Running multiple extracts simultaneously may result in a 401 error due to API restrictions.

To avoid this issue, please re-run each extract individually.