Commerce Tools

Version 0.0.6


Check out the API docs here for more information.

Set up

You must select one of the regions from the dropdown. If you would like to retrieve data from multiple regions, these will have to be done in separate sources (for more details please read docs here).

Generating Credentials

  1. An API Client must first be created in the Merchant Center. To do this, please follow these instructions.
  2. You must choose the appropriate scope for the API Client (see below).
  3. Store the client_id, secret, scope, API URL, and Auth URL in a safe location

The scope determines which reports can be accessed. Read more about scopes here.

Necessary scopes:

  • Orders - view_orders:{projectKey}
  • Orders Daily - view_orders:{projectKey}
  • Payments- view_payments:{projectKey}
  • Payments Daily- view_payments:{projectKey}
  • Products - view_products:{projectKey}
  • Products Daily - view_products:{projectKey}
  • Product Types - view_products:{projectKey}
  • Categories - view_products:{projectKey}
  • Types - view_types:{projectKey}
  • States - view_states:{projectKey}
  • Standalone Prices - view_standalone_prices:{projectKey}
  • Cart Discounts - view_cart_discounts:{projectKey}
  • Product Discounts - view_products:{projectKey}


Backfill2 years
IncrementalOn payments, products and orders
API reliability🟢Reliable

Reports detail

⬇️ Report🔑 Incremental key🔑 Primary key📄 Link to API endpoint
OrdersLAST_MODIFIED_ATidQuery Orders
PaymentsLAST_MODIFIED_ATIDQuery Payments
ProductsLAST_MODIFIED_ATIDQuery Products
Product Types-IDQuery Product Types
Categories-IDQuery Categories
Standalone PricesLAST_MODIFIED_ATIDQuery Standalone Prices
Cart DiscountsLAST_MODIFIED_ATIDQuery Cart Discounts
Product DiscountsLAST_MODIFIED_ATIDQuery Product Discounts



10k row limit per extract

Due to a limitation with CommerceTools, on Orders, Products and Payments; each extract will be limited to 10k rows. If have more rows to ingest, simply keep running the extract on append, relying on the incremental logic to fill up the data.

When setting up the schedule, make sure to schedule the extracts with time intervals small enough to ensure that more than 10k rows would not be available per extract.