Snowflake JDBC

Version 0.0.1

Set up


You will need to whitelist the following IPs:



The following credentials are required to get set up with our Snowflake JDBC connector.

  • Host - The Snowflake account URL excluding the https:// protocol sub-part.
  • Port - By default the value is 443.
  • Database User - Snowflake account username.
  • Database Password - Snowflake account password.
  • Database Name - A specific database in the Snowflake warehouse.

Running Extracts

When running an extract you will be asked to select a schema, then a table to extract.

You will also have the option to select the fields you wish to pull back.



To extract a table using the Snowflake JDBC connector, the user must have at least SELECT privileges on the table, as well as the corresponding schema and database.