


For more information please use the API documentation here.

Set up


To create a source for the Airtable connector, you will need a Personal Access Token. See guide here.

  • From /create/tokens, click the โ€œCreate new tokenโ€ button to create a new personal access token.
  • Give your token a unique name. This name will be visible in record revision history.
  • Choose the scopes to grant to your token. To use this connector, you will need the data.records:read scope.
  • Click โ€˜add a baseโ€™ to grant the token access to a base or workspace.
  • Once your token is created, store it safely.


To create an extract, you will need a base ID and a table ID of the table that you want to extract. When you are viewing the table you want to extract in your Airtable account, you will be able to see the IDs in the URL.

  • The base ID will start with app
  • The table ID will start with tbl

As an example URL

  • Base ID: appVPn80XjGZQq0is
  • Table ID: tblPMlAcbXqONAINC


Backfillโœ…All data
IncrementalโŒIncremental is not supported
API reliability๐ŸŸขReliable

Reports detail

โฌ‡๏ธ Report๐Ÿ”‘ Incremental key๐Ÿ”‘ Primary key๐Ÿ“„ Link to API endpoint
TableN/AIDList Records