GA4 Property to Big Query
Once you've set up your GA4 Property, you'll need to enable to linking to Big Query so that we're able to extract the data via our Big Query connector
- In your GA4 property, click Admin and then BigQuery Linking.
- Click Link to create a new connection.
- Click Choose a Big Query Project.
- Select your existing BigQuery (Google Cloud) project set-up for the kleene app and click Confirm. If your project is not here, make sure you've added it in Google Cloud and refresh this page.
- Select your preferred data location. Make sure you choose the location where you run your queries. If you choose the wrong region and need to change it after you've created the link, you have to move the data set in Google Cloud and then create a new link, or delete the link and dataset and start over.
- Select the desired frequency of the data export. Daily for once a day and optional Streaming to add a table where data from today will be stored until the day is complete and a new daily table will be added. If you have another data stream (app or web) you can add it to the same BigQuery dataset via Edit.
Please be aware that the Streaming option is not available for BigQuery sandbox environments. You can, however, enable the streaming export later, if you upgrade to a billing enabled account.
- Review the settings and if everything is correct, click Submit.
- The BigQuery link is created. It will take some time (max 24 hours) for your data to appear in BigQuery.
- When the data starts flowing in you should be able to query the table(s) and see some results!
Updated over 1 year ago