


To find out more about the Snapchat API check their docs out: Snapchat Content API Story Studio Revenue API Story Studio Analytics API.

Set up

To set up the Snapchat connector, all you need is your username and password.


Backfillβœ…On all reports except Publishers. Periods between 1 week and 2 years
Incrementalβœ…Only for Editions
API reliability🟑You may experience occasional server errors

Reports detail

⬇️ ReportπŸ”‘ Incremental keyπŸ”‘ Primary keyπŸ“„ Link to API endpoint
PublishersN/AidGet Publishers
Editions (Deprecated)record_dateidGet Editions
Storiesto_dateid, publisher_id, from_date, to_dateGet Stories
Publisher aggregateN/Apublisher_id,record_dateGet Publishers Aggregate
Publisher aggregate (by country)N/Acreator_username,record_date,countryGet Publishers Aggregate
Publisher summaryN/Apublisher_id,record_dateGet Publishers Summary
Publisher summary (by country)N/Apublisher_id,record_date,countryGet Publishers Summary
Publisher audienceN/Apublisher_id,dateGet Publisher Audience
Publisher audience (by country)N/Apublisher_id,date,countryGet Publisher Audience
Publisher behaviorN/Apublisher_id,dateGet Publisher Behavior
Publisher behavior (by country)N/Apublisher_id,date,countryGet Publisher Behavior


Metric inaccuracy

These metrics are provided for informational purposes only and determined based on what Snap Inc. believes to be reasonable estimates for the applicable period of measurement. Please note that there are inherent challenges in measuring user activity and changes in our products may impact the ability to accurately provide these metrics.


Snapchat account username needed

For you to use the Snapchat connector, please provide the Snapchat username of the account which you will be using for setting up the connector to your Kleene representative, as we will need this before you can setup the connection.


Publishers Summary report

Having other report extracts running at the same time as an extract for the Publisher Summary report will result in failure. Please leave around 8 hours gap between a Publishers Summary report and any other one, to avoid issues with rate limits resulting in a failed extract.


By-country reports backfill limitations

All by-country reports will run much slower when compared to their "normal" versions. It is not advisable to run them on long backfills (e.g. longer than 1 week for Publishers summary (by country) and 1 month for Publisher audience (by country), Publisher behavior (by country) and Publishers aggregate (by country)), as this might result in time out of the API and the report's failure. As a guideline, a 1-week backfill can take several hours to run.