
Version 0.0.1


Checkout the API docs here for more information

Set up

Enter your ID-Token and Refresh Token into the corresponding text areas. If you are yet to generate these credentials, please contact your Orderhive Account Manager and they will generate them for you.


Backfillℹ️Backfill is restricted to two years for transactional reports. A full backfill is available for all other reports.
IncrementalIncremental is supported on certain reports. This is indicated below.
API reliability🟠Occasional 500 Errors due to Orderhive server issues

Reports detail

⬇️ Report🔑 Incremental key🔑 Primary key📄 Link to API endpoint✏️ Notes
CategoriesN/AIDCategory List
CustomersN/AIDCustomer List
Custom Pricing TiersN/AIDCustom Pricing Tier List
InvoicesORDER_MODIFIED_DATEIDList all disputesBackfill may be longer than 1 hour, do not run concurrently. If you get the error Extract failed 500, Unable to perform given operation, pleas try after sometime then please wait 30 minutes before re-running the extract
OrdersMODIFIED_DATEIDOrder Bulk ListingBackfill may be longer than 1 hour, do not run concurrently. If you get the error Extract failed 500, Unable to perform given operation, pleas try after sometime then please wait 30 minutes before re-running the extract
Order StatusesN/AIDList all invoices
PaymentsORDER_MODIFIED_DATEIDGet PaymentBackfill may be longer than 1 hour, do not run concurrently. If you get the error Extract failed 500, Unable to perform given operation, pleas try after sometime then please wait 30 minutes before re-running the extract
ProductsMODIFIEDIDProduct catalog
Purchase OrdersN/AIDPurchase Order Listing
ReturnsN/AIDReturn Order Listing
ShippingsORDER_MODIFIED_DATEIDGet ShipmentsBackfill may be longer than 1 hour, do not run concurrently. If you get the error Extract failed 500, Unable to perform given operation, pleas try after sometime then please wait 30 minutes before re-running the extract
StoresN/AIDStores List
SuppliersN/AIDSuppliers Listing
WarehousesN/AIDWarehouse List