
Version 1.2.1

Set up

The Famly source requires you to enter the Organisation ID from which you would like to extract data. The Organisation ID is present in the URL of the landing page of the Famly app after logging in: app.famly.co/#/account/organization/<ORGANISATION_ID>

If data for multiple organisations is required this must be done in separate sources.

You must also enter an API Token generated from the Famly app. You can find instructions on how to generate a token via the UI here.


Custom backfill
IncrementalSome ReportsChild Attendance and Occupancy only
API reliability🟢Reliable

Reports detail

⬇️ Report🔑 Incremental key🔑 Primary key📄  Endpoint link
ChildrenNoneidNot available
Child Attendancecheckin_timechild_checkin_idNot available
Child DetailsNonefamly_idNot available
DepositsNonechildidNot available
EmployeesNoneemployeeidNot available
IncidentsNonereportidNot available
InvoicesNoneinvoice_noNot available
Invoice Line ItemsNoneline_idNot available
InvoicingNonebill_payer_idNot available
LeavesNonechild_leave_idNot available
Occupancykleene_extract_datechildidNot available
PaymentsNoneidNot available
PlansNoneidNot available
PurchasesNonechildidNot available
SessionsNoneidNot available