
Version 0.0.1


Check out the Kraken API docs for more information.

Set up

To set up the Kraken connector, you will need an API Key and API Secret(these need to be credentials generated only for the use with the Kleene AI Kraken connector and no other integrations).

Information on how to create credentials can be found here.

Please ensure 2FA is not turned on for the API when you are generating your credentials..


BackfillCustom backfill on Ledgers, Deposits Status and Withdrawals Status reports (1 month to 2 years)
IncrementalNot supported
API reliability🟠API sometimes shows unexpected behaviour

Reports detail

⬇️ Report🔑 Incremental key🔑 Primary key📄 Link to API endpoint
Account BalanceN/AKEYAccount Balance
Extended BalanceN/AKEYExtended Balance
LedgersN/ALEDGER_IDLedgers Info
Deposits StatusN/AREFIDDeposits
Withdrawals StatusN/AREFIDWithdrawals



Do not re-use API credentials that you use for other integrations

Please generate new API Key and Secret that you only use with the Kleene AI connector and make sure these are not used for any other integrations or testing purposes. If you re-use credentials they may become unusable.

Use a unique set of credentials for each Kraken Source you have.


Only one extract can run at any given time

Please ensure that not more than 1 extract within a Kraken Kleene AI Source runs at any time. If you are scheduling your runs, this means you will need to make sure that an extract has completed before the next one starts.

If 2 extracts run at the same time this may result in both failing and you having to re-run.


TIME column in Ledgers report will be in scientific notation format

Due to the size of the number returned for TIME by the API, some Data Warehouses my end up showing this as scientific notation (e.g. 1.7283621996929576E9). You can adjust this in a transform.