To find out more about the Pinterest API please check their documentation: Pinterest API Docs Pinterest API Reference
Set up
To set up the Pinterest connector, you will need your Pinterest username and password.
Feature | Support | Notes |
Backfill | ✅ | On 'Analytics' and 'Targeting Analytics' reports. Periods between 90 to 15 days. |
Incremental | ✅ | On 'Analytics' and 'Targeting Analytics' reports. |
API reliability | 🟢 | Reliable |
Reports detail
⬇️ Report | 🔑 Incremental key | 🔑 Primary key | 📄 Link to API endpoint |
Boards | N/A | id | List Boards |
Pins | N/A | id | List Pins |
Followers | N/A | username | List Followers |
User Interests | N/A | id ,name | List User's Following Interest |
Campaigns | N/A | id ,name | List Campaigns |
Ad Groups | N/A | id ,name | List Ad Groups |
Ads | N/A | id ,name | List Ads |
Pin Analytics | date | pin_id ,date | Get Pin Analytics |
User Account Analytics | date | user_id ,date | Get User Account Analytics |
Campaign Analytics | date | campaign_id | Get Campaign Analytics |
Ad Group Analytics | date | ad_group_id | Get Ad Group Analytics |
Ad Analytics | date | ad_id | Get Ad Analytics |
Campaign Targeting Analytics | date | campaign_id ,targeting_value | Get Campaign Targeting Analytics |
Ad Group Targeting Analytics | UPDATED_TIME | ad_group_id ,targeting_value | Get Ad Group Targeting Analytics |
Ad Targeting Analytics | UPDATED_TIME | ad_id ,targeting_value | Get Ad Targeting Analytics |
Ad Analytics (daily) | date | ad_id , date | Get Ad Analytics |
Analytics Reports: These provide general data that is useful for understanding overall performance and identifying trends over time.
Targeting Analytics Reports: These provide more detailed information about performance, broken down by specific targeting parameters. For example, it can provide metrics such as total impressions for a specific age group or location. This data is useful for understanding the performance in relation to the targeting strategy, and for making more informed future decisions.
Note on how currency displayed:
The response fields/keys will be titled in dollars, however the value given is in accordance with the advertisers account currency. This is explained further here here at the bottom of the 'columns' field. Quote from the link:
”NOTE: Any metrics defined as MICRO_DOLLARS returns a value based on the advertiser profile's currency field.[...]
For example, if the advertiser's currency is GBP (British pound sterling), all MICRO_DOLLARS fields will be in GBP microunits (1/1,000,000 British pound).”
Metric inaccuracy
These metrics are provided for informational purposes only and determined based on what Pinterest Inc. believes to be reasonable estimates for the applicable period of measurement. Please note that there are inherent challenges in measuring user activity and changes in our products may impact the ability to accurately provide these metrics.
Ad Analytics (daily)
Report created duplicated on incremental runs and will need deduplication.
On the day the report is run it will fetch data up until yesterday's date.
Pin Analytics
Repins (pins saved from another user’s board) are not supported by the analytics endpoint. You can only request analytics for pins owned by you, the authenticated user.
For extracts running for over 24 hours due to a high number of pins, the
backfill is not recommended.
Updated 5 days ago