
Version 0.0.3


Checkout the docs here for more information

Set up

To set up the Asana connector, all you need is your username and password.


Backfill2 years (Tasks, Stories and Status Updates). All-time (all other reports).
IncrementalOnly available for Tasks, Stories and Status Updates
API reliability🟢Reliable

Reports detail

⬇️ Report🔑 Incremental key🔑 Primary key📄 Link to API endpoint
GoalsN/AgidGet a goal
Parent GoalsN/Aparent_goal_id,sub_goal_idGet parent goals
Goal RelationshipsN/Aparent_goal_id,sub_goal_idGet goal relationships
PortfoliosN/AgidGet a portfolio
Portfolio ItemsN/AgidGet a portfolio item
Portfolio MembershipsN/AgidGet a portfolio membership
ProjectsN/AgidGet a project
Project MembershipsN/AgidGet a project membership
SectionsN/AgidGet a section
Status UpdatesCREATED_ATgidGet status updates from an object
StoriesTASK_MODIFIED_ATgidGet a story
TagsN/AgidGet a tag
TasksMODIFIED_ATgidGet a task
Tasks (unassigned)MODIFIED_ATgidGet a task
Team MembershipsN/AgidGet a team membership
TeamsN/AgidGet a team
UsersN/AgidGet a user


API Limitations

  • Asana only allows API users to get a list of portfolios that they themselves own. Therefore only the portfolios that the user who authenticates the connector owns will be returned.
    This affects the Portfolio, Portfolio Memberships and Status Updates (Portfolios) reports.
  • To ensure there are no missing records, duplicates will occur when using incremental. You will need to create a de-duplication transform to run after the extracts.