
Version 0.0.4


Check out the BitGo API docs for more information.

Set up

To set up the BitGo connector, you will need an Access Token. To retrieve/create an Access Token in the BitGo web UI navigate to User Settings > Developer Options.


BackfillAll time
IncrementalNot supported on any report
API reliability🟢Reliable

Reports detail

⬇️ Report🔑 Incremental key🔑 Primary key📄 Link to API endpoint
KeysN/AIDList Keys
UsersN/AIDGet User
WalletsN/AIDList Wallets
Wallet AddressesN/AIDList Addresses
Wallet TransfersN/AIDList Transfers
Wallet BalancesN/AIDList Total Balances
Trading AccountsN/AIDList Accounts
Wallet TransactionsN/ATX_REQUEST_IDList Transactions