Priority Software

Version 0.0.1


Please read the Priority Software API documentation for more information

Set up

Accessing the Priority Software API

You will need a valid Username and Password before you can use the API. You will need to retrieve this through the instructions in the Basic Authentication API Documentation.


BackfillBackfill is not supported.
IncrementalIncremental is not supported.
API reliability🟢Reliable

Reports detail

⬇️ Report🔑 Primary key📄 Link to API endpoint
Form Selection(s)This is dependant on the form(s) selected.Form Information


Each form can be entered into the 'Input Form(s)' field in the connector.

For best results, we recommend entering only one form at a time, as each form has unique columns that do not usually overlap with others. Including multiple forms in a single extract may result in a table with many columns, which will have empty cells due to non-overlapping data between form columns.

If there is a need for multiple forms in an extract, this can be done by entering them as a comma-separated list without spaces. For example, for forms "AAA", "BBB" and "CCC", these would be entered into the 'Input Form(s)' field as AAA,BBB,CCC.


Note: The Forms available depend on the credentials access

For all forms to be retrieved correctly from the report, ensure that the credentials used have access to the report.