
Version 0.0.1


API Documentation

you must have an account to access the API documentation here. Once you have logged in. Navigate to Tools -> Merchant API

Set up

To create a source for the Shareasale connector you must enter a Merchant ID, API Token and API Secret. These can be retrieved from the Merchant API page of your Shareasale account linked above:

  • Merchant ID - In the top left of the screen you will see the Shareasale logo. Beneath that is a box. In the box below your company name is your Merchant ID. If ID# 12345 is shown the your Merchant ID is 12345.
  • API Token - Displayed at the top of the Merchant API page where it says Your Token is: ABComg123
  • API Secret - Displayed at the top of the Merchant API page where it says Your API Secret is: K339iTs4f3ABComg123


Backfillℹ️3 months backfill is supported
IncrementalIncremental is based on 'DATEOFTRANS'
API reliability🟢Reliable

Reports detail

⬇️ Report🔑 Incremental key🔑 Primary key
Transaction Detail ReportDATEOFTRANSTRANSID



Monthly Request Credit Limit

Each merchant has a monthly limit of request credits. This credit limit varies depending on the request type. To find your credit limit visit the Merchant API page linked above. Each API request uses 1 credit. Each request returns up to 5000 rows.