
Version 0.0.1


Checkout the Akeneo API docs for more information

Set up

To use the Akeneo connector, you need to input a Client ID and Client Secret. To generate these credentials please follow these instructions.

You also need to input a Username and Password. To generate these credentials please follow these instructions.


BackfillAll history
IncrementalOnly supported on the Products Report
API reliability🟢Reliable API

Reports detail

⬇️ Report🔑 Incremental key🔑 Primary key📄 Link to API endpoint
AttributesN/ACODEGet List of Attributes
Attribute OptionsN/ACODEGet List of Attribute Options
Attribute GroupsN/ACODEGet List of Attribute Groups
CategoriesN/ACODEGet List of Categories
FamiliesN/ACODEGet List of Families
ProductsUPDATEDIDENTIFIERGet List of Products