
Version 0.0.2


Check out the API docs here for more information

Set up

To get set up with the connector you will need your JustGiving email, password and charity ID


Backfill🟢Donations report custom backfill up to 2 years backfill
Incremental🟢Supported on some reports, see below.
API reliability🟢Reliable

Reports detail

⬇️ Report🔑 Primary key🔑 Incremental key📄 Link to API endpoint🖊️ Notes
CampaignsCAMPAIGN_GUIDN/ACampaignsRequires campaign short names comma-separated string
EventsACCOUNT_IDN/AEventsRequires event ids comma-separated string
Pages for EventsIDPAGE_ID, EVENT_IDPages for EventsRequires event ids comma-separated string
Fundraising page (old route)PAGE_IDN/AFundraising PageRequires page short names comma-separated string
Fundraising page (new route)PAGE_IDN/AFundraising PageRequires page short names comma-separated string
Fundraising page donations(old route)IDN/AFundraising Page DonationsRequires page short names comma-separated string
Fundraising page donations(new route)IDN/AFundraising Page DonationsRequires page short names comma-separated string
TeamsTEAM_GUIDN/ATeamsRequires team short names comma-separated string
Pages (Data API)IDN/APages


Comma-separated values are needed as input for some reports when setting up

Some reports will require you to input values as a comma-separated string.

An example is the "Campaigns" report, which will need you to give a string of all campaign short names you want to extract data for, separated by commas.

Such reports will have a compulsory field on the extract setup page asking you for those values


Routes old (legacy) vs new format

"Fundraising page" and "Fundraising page donations" reports have two versions allowing you to use those reports for either old (legacy) route formats or the new format in JustGiving. Do not mix formats when setting up extracts

Here is an example of how to differentiate:

"New Route": /c46c6a77/v1/fundraising/pages/page/luis-b

"Old Route" /c46c6a77/v1/fundraising/pages/luis-b

There is also some advice on this from JustGiving here



Donations report will generate duplicates

Please deal with duplicates for the "Donations" report in a transform.