Adobe Commerce (Magento)

Version 0.0.3


Checkout the API docs here for more information

Set up

Enter the relevant hostname and API key into the text areas asking for Host and Bearer Token respectively. To retrieve/create these credentials log into Commerce Marketplace -> account name (top right) -> My Profile -> Access Keys.

If you have whitelisting restrictions in place please whitelist the following IP addresses:



Backfillℹ️At least 2 years of backfilled data available on all reports
IncrementalIncremental is available on all reports except Categories, it is usually based on the timestamp UPDATED_AT
API reliability🟢Reliable

Reports detail

⬇️ Report🔑 Incremental key🔑 Primary key📄 Link to API endpoint✏️ Notes
CategoriesN/AIDCategory ListIncremental not supported
CustomersUPDATED_ATIDCustomers SearchBackfills all customers may take several hours to complete
InvoicesUPDATED_ATINCREMENT_IDInvoice ListBackfills any invoice updated in the last 2 years
Order ItemsORDER_UPDATED_ATITEM_IDList ordersFlattens the items object and backfills any order updated in the last 2 years
Order Status HistoryORDER_UPDATED_ATENTITY_IDList ordersFlattens the status histories object and backfills any order updated in the last 2 years
OrdersUPDATED_ATINCREMENT_IDList ordersBackfills any order updated in the last 2 years
ProductsUPDATED_ATIDProduct listBackfills all products may take several hours to complete
ShipmentsUPDATED_ATENTITY_IDList ShipmentsBackfills any shipment updated in the last 2 years